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This is the week we've been waiting for – shipping day is here! Nationally, we're looking clear, so the first 30+ orders went out today. We'll be catching up with the rest of the orders throughout the week. Keep an eye on your inboxes for shipping updates. Tracking numbers for today's shipments will be coming your way by 1pm MST. Thank you for your patience and support, and happy fish keeping! 😊

Polit Mbuna

1.25 lb

Pseudotropheus polit

A small but fierce cichlid! Males display a light blue color with a black mask. Light blue and black bars can be displayed on the heat between the eyes. Color can change quickly depending on their mood. Females are a dull brown, as well as juveniles.

  • Adult Size:  4-5"
  • Temperament:  Aggressive, especially towards other males of the same species.
  • Compatibility:  Keep with other Mbunas. Avoid keeping with Peacocks or Haps.
  • Suggested Diet:  SRC Hi-Intensity Color Plus Diet to promote color development.